
Demo update: NO LIMITS

By everyone's request, we took pity and removed time restriction of demo client. Rejoice! You can download it here:  English [RUS] По многочисленным просьбам, мы сжалились и убрали ограничение по времени демо клиента. Ликуйте! Вы можете скачать его тут:  Русский


Updated clients to the latest steam version, and more: -Added a new command to the demo,  works only in single player: -g "Scrooge McDuck curse"(for more details check FAQ) -New map with all items -Full client: hotkeys are now work in English keyboard layout -Full client: added new command for items editor(see FAQ for those who have purchased) [RUS] Обновил клиенты до актуальной Steam версии, а так же: -В демо клиенте добавлена команда для одиночной игры -g "Проклятье Скруджа Макдака"(подробное описание в FAQ) -Добавил в карту со всеми вещами -В полном клиенте горячие клавиши теперь работают на англ раскладке -В полном клиенте добавлена новая команда для редактора предметов(подробнее в FAQ для купивших

Mini game: Dragon Quest

Enjoy our new free game based on Unepic- the Dragon Quest. Will you help the Dragon save the world? Game avaiable in Dragon Quest page.

Unepic Hacked Live!

Hi, my name is Andrew. I live in Russia(funny, I know). I'm an old Unepic player who enjoys the game a lot! Unfortunately, due to developer's aloofness and stupidness(I won't bother myself explaining this here, if you want to know the story just PM me somewhere) I've started my life as professional unepic hacker. I've made my own Unepic with blackjack and hookers and now I want to share it with the world for a moddest fee of course (:! You can learn more about in About the Project  page. Let the chaos begin!